I like to take pictures at the most natural times, especially during conversations. The subject is comfortable and at ease. Doing something they do everyday. I can't stand posed photos, or anything that looks like the photographer tried too hard and said "Okay, now smile, turn left, look over there". Usually if I'm out shooting and I have someone I'm interested in capturing, I let them know I prefer that they do not look into the camera, pretend I'm not here. We talk, I listen, I nod, I talk, and I press the shutter. And they're unaware that I'm intensely studying their every action, like a lion eyeing that baby elephant..watching..anticipating their next movement. I'm an avid follow of Henri Cartier Bresson (though I'm not nearly on his level of brilliance)..."compose and wait"..
Nikon F
Ilford FP4 PLUS 125

Nikon F
Ilford FP4 PLUS 125

7 thoughts:
I must say I agree with you. Natural or candid photo's have an irreplaceable feel to them.
wow i love your pics and totally agree with yourself and dont sweat it, how much do you charge for you to take pics of people?
I haven't done any commissioned shoots in a while. Pricing depends...But right now I just meet up with random people and take their photo. For the moment a good photo is enough satisfaction...until it's my full-time profession. I'm enjoying it as a hobby right now. But if someone requests a shoot, we'll negotiate something. I'm not too hardcore about pricing...but I'm not going to sell myself short. Yanno!
cool, I visit nyc alot (i'm from london,uk) with friends and fam and would love pics like this, will keep what you said in mind, thanks.
Just contact me through here or my email (luviebelle@yahoo.com) would love to meet you. Do you have a Myspace?
Hi, I've taken down your email, so will be in touch, no i dont have a myspace account but i will be setting up a facebook account soon, thanks ;-)
Great :)
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