As I've mentioned in the previous post I have a studio class this semester and I get to play around with artificial lights and such (not really my type, I prefer to be outdoors). But it's all a learning experience and it was fun. Some test shots from today.
Hasselblad 500cm
ilford sfx 200

The glowing skin is one of the cool effects of the sfx film, maybe I'll play around with this film outside and see what I can cook up.

Hasselblad 500cm
Ilford 320

Hasselblad 500cm
ilford sfx 200

The glowing skin is one of the cool effects of the sfx film, maybe I'll play around with this film outside and see what I can cook up.

Hasselblad 500cm
Ilford 320

2 thoughts:
hey V it's chris. You are so good. You captured dora so well!
chrriiiisssssssss *punch*
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